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onkyo ta 2060 deck

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hola estimados tengo un deck onkyo modelo ta 2060 , el problema que tiene es que cuando pongo play no se mantiene , tengo que dejar el dedo un par de segundos para que quede mantenido este deck es de toque( touch) no de tecla , les comento que al principio cuando lo prendo le doy play queda mantenido bien , pero cuando le doy stop al rato y vuelvo a darle play no se queda mantenido este deck lleva un solenoide , podría ser el solenoide? ya que el play trabaja con el solenoide , espero me aya expresado bien con el problema , si alguien tiene alguna idea.

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Aquí alguien con el mismo problema.

I am going to guess that English is not your first language. Still, I think I got the basic problem. After it's been on for awhile if you push play it doesn't stay engaged and the lamps dim. This sounds like a power supply problem, probably the main capacitors in the power supply need to be replaced.
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hace 2 horas, igori dijo:

Aquí alguien con el mismo problema.

I am going to guess that English is not your first language. Still, I think I got the basic problem. After it's been on for awhile if you push play it doesn't stay engaged and the lamps dim. This sounds like a power supply problem, probably the main capacitors in the power supply need to be replaced
fui yo quien hice esa consulta en otro foro
hace 2 horas, igori dijo:

Aquí alguien con el mismo problema.

I am going to guess that English is not your first language. Still, I think I got the basic problem. After it's been on for awhile if you push play it doesn't stay engaged and the lamps dim. This sounds like a power supply problem, probably the main capacitors in the power supply need to be replaced.


hace 2 horas, igori dijo:

Aquí alguien con el mismo problema.

I am going to guess that English is not your first language. Still, I think I got the basic problem. After it's been on for awhile if you push play it doesn't stay engaged and the lamps dim. This sounds like a power supply problem, probably the main capacitors in the power supply need to be replaced.


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